Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How Online Ordering System UK Work?

3 in 5 customers ordering form an online ordering system do online. Launch an online food ordering system. Let customers find you online and give them the possibility of ordering from your restaurant service conveniently.

In the meantime, it will streamline the process of ordering at your restaurant. Forget about a busy phone line during peak hours. From now on wards, you can take all the orders in a simple way. How does the online ordering system for restaurants work?

Launch the ordering system in just minutes

Takeaway Genie makes it possible to launch the takeaway ordering system quickly and easily on your restaurant website. If you don't have one yet, you can order one for yourself!

Launch the Takeaway Genie ordering system and look exactly how great solution it is. At first, you should simply enter your restaurant information and menu. Then you can interface the takeaway ordering system to your restaurant website.

In the "MENU" selection on the restaurant website, your dishes will appear with the possibility of ordering them online. In this way, the takeaway ordering system turns your website, which has just generated costs until now, into a news sales channel.

Placing and collecting orders through the takeaway ordering system

A customer can easily add items. You can also have an impact on the amount they order because of extra features in the takeaway ordering system that suggest items and extras on the menu.

While confirming an order, the customers chooses takeaway as the method for processing the order, specifies their information, payment method, and date. They will also be requested their consent to marketing contact. If they express such consent, you will be able to mail campaigns to them thanks to the additional marketing features of the Takeaway Genie ordering system.

The order can be seen immediately in the administrative panel. You can collect it on any device with access to the internet however it will be most convenient to use a tablet or iPad. When you get the order, you will get a notification.

You can accept or dismiss the order in a simple way in the takeaway ordering system, with only a single click. When you accept an order, you inform the customer regarding the processing time. When you dismiss it, you give the customer a reason behind dismissal. The customer gets such information real time.

The Takeaway Genie ordering system will automatically order that your customers to issue an opinion in regard to the ordered food. The opinion will be submitted to the administrative panel and will be visible to you. This is an early warning system that will let you know about any issues before the crisis is discussed on social media.

The online ordering system for restaurants will give your customers place orders in a simple way. They will never again be bothered by a busy phone line during peak hours or by mistakes with orders. Better quality service will create more orders. Customers will simply order more items and more frequently through the takeaway ordering system.

In the meantime, the simple process of collecting orders as well as the extra marketing and analytical features of the Takeaway Genie ordering system will make it possible for you to organize your employees work better and save time.


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